Sunday, February 8, 2015

Beet Hummus

I've always looked forward to introducing solid foods to my daughter. Healthy food is such a passion of mine and feeding my child the healthiest food available is now my new passion. Watching her discover new tastes, textures, and colors is something that I truly enjoy. She is quite an independent eater and doesn't love being spoon-fed, so we have allowed her to use other foods as "dippers". For example, she'll take an easy-to-hold piece of fruit or vegetable (her current faves are broccoli florets and carrot sticks) and dip it into a homemade puree of some sort. It's really fun to watch. I've made a version of this vibrant beet hummus for her and she LOVED it. I hope you will, too.

For more fabulous food and photos from Nourish The Roots, 
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  1. I'm suck a sucker for anything with beets - this is gorgeous!

  2. love beets too!

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  3. I love the color in plate of goodness! I have yet to try beet hummus, but I think the next time I make hummus I will use beets.

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