Lately, it's been a little hard for me to eat as healthy as I want. Sometimes (ok, like all the time) I'm just so sleep deprived (hello teething babies!) and I really just crave comfort food that's easy to make. In those moments, I tend to eat more gluten and dairy that I'd like and I always feel pretty crummy afterward. And then I always seem to vow to myself that I'll never eat said gluten or dairy ever again. Of course, I'm just setting myself up for failure by saying that, but I do anyway. To reset my system, I eat tons of greens and it always, and I mean always, makes me feel better. And in doing so, I discover (yet again!) that eating my greens isn't as hard or time consuming as I think that it is while in my sleep-deprived state.
This soup is one of those easy and quick soups that just make you feel good. Like really good. I think it's because it's so green. And honestly, it tastes pretty awesome for a soup that has so many health benefits. So head on over to your local farmers market and pick up some fresh spring peas and tender spring greens and whip up a bowl of some green detox soup to reset your system!
For more fabulous food and photos from Nourish The Roots,